A billion people died on the news tonight/But not so many cried at the terrible sight/ Well mama said/
It's just make believe/You can't believe everything you see/ So baby close your eyes to the lullabies/On the news tonight

Monday, March 13, 2006

God and the tempter

Got this off a fellow brother’s blog. Makes you think and sorta reaffirms what you’ve known all these times…


A good reminder.


Well, not actually taught, but more of reminded me of something...

I reached home at around 7pm this evening. I went to the swimming pool area to see whether my parents were there or not, as it is their habit to be at the pool side chit chatting with some of our neighbours. My dad had already went up to cook dinner while my mom was still there with Candy.

After sitting a while, I decided to head up 1st, but not before enticing Candy to follow me, with promise of food. You see, Candy always sticks with my mom. If I had a leash on her, I will be dragging her; she would refuse to follow me. Anyway, I moved away from the pool area & entice her to follow me. You could see Candy hesitating. On one hand (or rather paw), she wanted food. On the other paw, she didn't want to leave my mom. Well, she chose the food in the end & left my mom to follow me.

Analogy: To Candy, my mom is God, & I'm probably the tempter. It reminded me that the lord of this world will use various means & temptations to lure us away from God. And God knows our weakness even more than ourselves. I was reminded of the following verse.

1 Cor 10:13 - No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

How do we know God more? How do we get more intimate with Him? It's not through prayer, reading and meditating on the Word, not through serving in church, or many "christian stuff" that we always do, although those things are good. It's about being obedient to God. The more we obey, the more we will know God and be intimate with Him. Very recently, I had faced a situation where I had a choice between doing something MY way or doing it the proper way (which most people would probably agree that this is God's way, but that can still be debatable). Well, I "knew" I could have done it MY way, & I would have prefered to do it MY OWN WAY.

However, I chose to do it the other way instead. Later on, I realised that if I had done it my way, I would have failed to achieve what I wanted to achieve, due to some unforseen circumstances. I was glad to have done it the other way.


his blog: http://yschronicles.blogspot.com

link: http://yschronicles.blogspot.com/2006/02/my-dog-taught-me-something.html


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