A billion people died on the news tonight/But not so many cried at the terrible sight/ Well mama said/
It's just make believe/You can't believe everything you see/ So baby close your eyes to the lullabies/On the news tonight

Friday, November 10, 2006

not quite Botak Jones but not bad at all

Best friend wanted to try Botak Jones on Monday. So lo and behold, when we arrived, a bit starving, we realised that it was closed every Monday. We discussed it and decided that we should go have prata, but at the junction, we sidetracked to a coffeeshop near Clementi CC that sells quite good Fish-Head Beehoon (or so it's supposed to be).

Anyways, we ended up eating Western... and it was quite good!

huge ass condiments

It's a bit blur, but it's Yilmaz Western, next to Clementi CC. There's a Hong Kong Zhen Zhu Chu Chao there too.

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