A billion people died on the news tonight/But not so many cried at the terrible sight/ Well mama said/
It's just make believe/You can't believe everything you see/ So baby close your eyes to the lullabies/On the news tonight

Thursday, August 24, 2006

my room

This was taken a while back. These are just pictures of my room, and the CRT you see on the right was the one that I managed to coax chuwen to carry home for me, heh heh. Btw, facial ("no blackheads, I promise!") is a dirty word around him now. This is his reaction everytime I utter that word. Sometimes I even do it for fun just to see that priceless reaction.

I'm such a bad girl haha. It's the same reaction that my best friend shows then I threaten her with "the next time you get dead drunk, I'll put you in my room with all my cats", or the one where I ask the Faithful Non-Boyfriend to "help me choose lingere leh" or when I ask Supanova to "be a dear, could you go get me some tampons". Seriously, I got to stop that.

Anyways, back to my room. Here are some random shots I took some time back when I was doing some work for a friend's business and watching DVDs while I did it.

That's pretty neat already. Hahaha.

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