A billion people died on the news tonight/But not so many cried at the terrible sight/ Well mama said/
It's just make believe/You can't believe everything you see/ So baby close your eyes to the lullabies/On the news tonight

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I had it

I've been pondering on whether to close this blog, because, well, of a few reasons that I cannot state here.

But as I look at my blog, and think about its origin, and what it saw me through... all the pain I shared in it... I cannot just close this.

So well, pissed off with the new blogger, I have moved. This blog will continue to be updated only at the links section, because I use this for my blog links. Perhaps occasionally I might spam it with pics of my cats or comics... but I have moved. Want the new bloggie? It ain't rocket science to find. It's public though. =)

Comments on "I had it"


Blogger Captain Kangaroo complained! (Tuesday, February 13, 2007 10:33:00 pm) : 

So what/where's the new blog mate?


Anonymous Anonymous complained! (Tuesday, February 20, 2007 9:28:00 pm) : 

If you don't mind, do email me your new blog addy :)


Anonymous Anonymous complained! (Wednesday, June 16, 2010 10:34:00 am) : 

It takes all kinds to make a world...................................................................


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